Enjoy Employee Appreciation Week – you deserve it!
Published on Monday, May 2, 2022
By: Ruth Cummins
Want a five-minute massage? Ice cream with sprinkles? An afternoon at the M-Braves?
That and more is planned beginning Sunday, May 8 as the University of Mississippi Medical Center recognizes and appreciates its employees. The offices of Well-Being, Human Resources and Development, the UMMC Alliance, the research program All of Us, and Biobank Mississippi are joining hands sponsoring Employment Appreciation Week.

“The work we do here is hard. Through this pandemic, we’ve all been stretched in ways we never thought possible,” said Molly Brasfield, the Medical Center’s chief human resources officer.
“It’s important to take time to take a breath, and to appreciate each other and the work we do,” Brasfield said. “The work is meaningful, many times, because of the people we work with who are doing it. Even during the hardest of times, it’s important to stop and show appreciation for all the people who make UMMC work.”
Brasfield said her team and Employee Appreciation Week organizers tried to come up with a menu of activities that will be valuable and meaningful to the UMMC family. Support from the UMMC Alliance and the Office of Development, among other partners, helped make the events possible, even on a shoestring budget, she said.
“It’s so important to get feedback from our employees so that we know what we can do to make employees feel appreciated,” Brasfield said.
Members of UMMC’s Campus Police will be among employees grilling hot dogs for a picnic lunch on May 11. “This is a unique opportunity for us, and not only to assist our Human Resources partners,” said Deputy Chief Joshua Bromen, who will be on the grill line with Captains Nick Kehoe and Luke Price and Lieutenant Jen Krump.
“A lot of times, the first time we meet our brothers and sisters here is in an emergency event,” he said. “This is a chance to meet in a different environment, and to embrace community policing.”
Employee Appreciation Week kicks off at 2 p.m. May 8 at Trustmark Park in Pearl. Employees can purchase $5 tickets to the M-Braves game against the Pensacola Blue Wahoos. Order tickets on the M-Braves website using the online code UMMC.
Monday through Friday will have themes that describe what’s in store for the day:
- Mindful Monday, May 9, is sponsored by Well-Being, All of Us and Biobank Mississippi. All of Us and the Biobank will have booths in the University Hospital lobby area that feature games and prizes from 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
At 3 p.m., Dr. Seth Kalin and Active Health will provide a “Mindfulness Experience” with information on yoga, mindfulness and meditation in Classroom Wing 308.
- Treat Day Tuesday, May 10, is sponsored by the UMMC Alliance. Pastries, coffee and juice will be served while supplies last from 6-8 a.m. in the employee dining room across from the main cafeteria. UMMC senior leaders will serve ice cream there, also while supplies last, from 2-4 p.m.
- Wonderful Wednesday, May 11, is sponsored by Human Resources. A picnic hot dog lunch will be served while supplies last from noon-2 p.m. in the Guyton Building breezeway, and it will include live music, games and prizes. Night shift workers can enjoy a snack break at 7:30 p.m., also while supplies last.
UMMC employees at the Jackson Medical Mall can visit the T and J Concessions food truck from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. on the west side of the building facing Livingston Road.
- Thank You Thursday, May 12, is sponsored by Development. Employees who make financial donations to the Medical Center will receive a free five-minute massage from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. in the original School of Medicine lobby next to the School of Graduate Studies in the Health Sciences offices. Not a current donor? You can sign up on the spot at the employee giving booth.
There will be a snack break for UMMC employees at the Jackson Medical Mall at 10 a.m., while supplies last. And, the All of Us booth will be set up from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. at the Jackson Medical Mall main entrance, with games and prizes for all.
- Food Truck Friday, May 13, will feature Rollin’ Beans Coffee from 6:30-9:30 a.m. in the circular drive in front of University Heart. Food trucks will sell tasty selections from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. in the Guyton Building breezeway. Vendors include T and J Concessions, One Guy Steak and Chicken, and Hog Heaven BBQ.
Also in the breezeway will be the All of Us booth, games and prizes from 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
Throughout Employee Appreciation Week, watch out for random giveaways and virtual trivia on the UMMC Intranet.