Children's Hospital names new chief nursing officer
Published on Thursday, February 24, 2011
By: Patrice Guilfoyle, pguilfoyle@umc.edu
Terri Gillespie, R.N. has been promoted to chief nursing officer of the Blair E. Batson Hospital for Children at the University of Mississippi Medical Center. Gillespie's new leadership role will have her planning for the nursing component of Batson Hospital.
After receiving her undergraduate degree from East Carolina University in 1983, Gillespie spent time working in pediatrics while in North Carolina and moved to Jackson in 1986. She began working for the Medical Center at that time and has worked in the emergency department and the post-anesthesia unit (PACU).
She was promoted to manager of the PACU and surgical intensive care unit and has spent the last four years as the clinical director of the adult intensive care units and operations director for EICU, a duty she still holds until someone can be transitioned into it.
In May 2010, she received her master's in nursing from the School of Nursing at the University of Mississippi Medical Center.