CHPE head aces certification; dermatology chair garners humanitarian award
Published on Monday, July 19, 2021
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CHPE director passes professional development certifying exam

Vickie Skinner, the Medical Center’s director of Continuing Health Professional Education, has passed the certifying exam to become a Certified Healthcare Continuing Professional Development Professional, a national achievement in her field.
Named to her current position in 2017, Skinner came to UMMC in 2003 in the Office of Faculty Affairs, focusing on faculty development.
A lieutenant colonel and instructor for Command and General Staff Officer College, Skinner will begin U.S. Army War College, a highly competitive, invitation-only master of strategic studies program, later this month.
UMMC dermatology chair receives international humanitarian honor

The International League of Dermatological Societies’ board has tapped Dr. Robert Brodell, UMMC professor and chair of dermatology, to receive its Certificate of Appreciation for Humanitarian Dermatology.
IDLS-member organizations nominate certificate recipients. Brodell’s nomination came from the American Dermatological Association.
According to the letter from the league informing Brodell of his selection, the award goes to outstanding individuals who have given lifelong dedication to particular aspects of dermatology far beyond what one would expect of a dermatologist in his or her normal practicing life.
Brodell, who is also a professor of pathology, came to the Medical Center in 2012. He has served as an officer or board member for the American Dermatological Association, the American Board of Dermatology and the American Academy of Dermatology, which named him a Patient Care Hero in 2019 for beginning a dermatology clinic in the Mississippi Delta.