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Photos: Winter Storm Benji transforms UMMC campus

Central and southern Mississippi awoke to a transformed landscape Friday after Winter Storm Benji descended with a rare form of precipitation: snow. Like the postal service, an academic medical center doesn't let a few snowflakes hinder business as usual. Students and employees alike were on campus to enjoy the snow day. Share in the fun with these photos captured by UMMC photographers Jay Ferchaud and Joe Ellis.


Corey Britt, groundskeeper, makes the sidewalks safe for patients, students and employees.


Kinard Anthony, groundskeeper, spreads deicer on the sidewalks in front of the hospital.
Kinard Anthony, groundskeeper, spreads deicer on the sidewalks in front of the hospital.


Winter Storm Benji blanketed the campus in 5.1 inches of snow last Friday.


Shundria Washington, a patient service coordinator in the School of Dentistry, is bundled agains the cold while walking across the  UMMC campus on Friday.
Shundria Washington, patient service coordinator in the School of Dentistry, bundles against the cold while walking across the UMMC campus.


Sarah Brannan and her fellow medical students prepare for an epic snowball battle.


We are thankful to all our employees who braved the wintry streets to take care of our patients.
UMMC leaders expressed their thanks for all employees who braved the wintry streets to take care of patients and fulfill the goal of A Healthier Mississippi.


Kelli Irby, administrative assistant in the School of Medicine, gives Frosty a face.


Did someone double dog dare Kaleb Smith, first-year physical therapy student, to snowboard in only his shorts?


Second-year dental students make their way across the snowy campus.
Second-year dental students make their way across the snowy campus.


The night crew emerged from shift change to find all modes of transportation as close to "snowed in" as Mississippi gets.
The night crew emerged from shift change to find all modes of transportation as close to "snowed in" as Mississippi gets.


Travis Burdick, first-year physical therapy student, gives his wife, Mary Beth, and their puppy, Flint, a push down a hill. 


The Rainbow Garden glistens with frosty wonder.
The Rainbow Garden glistens with frosty wonder.


Did someone say snow selfie? First year medical students Katherine Thiel, Marimac Collins, Catherine Kronfol and Chrissy Miller have it covered.
Did someone say snow selfie? First-year medical students, from left, Katherine Thiel, Marimac Collins, Catherine Kronfol and Chrissy Miller have it covered.


This elf is disappointed. He decided to winter in Mississippi to avoid the snow.


Alexander Meyer, first-year medical student, makes a wish on the snowman he and his classmates created outside the School of Medicine building.


First-year physical therapy student Cole Stephens has no need for a sled to facilitate his snowy descent.
Cole Stephens, first-year physical therapy student, has no need for a sled to facilitate his snowy descent.



First-year medical students strike a pose with the snowman they built. 


The golden yellow of gingko contrasts the stark winter landscape.
The golden yellow of gingko contrasts with the stark winter landscape.


Darian Minica, medical technologist, makes a snow angel.


Campus police cruisers "chillin'" in the parking lot.
Campus police cruisers are "chillin'" in the parking lot.


Jordan Jackson, right, first-year medical student, tastes snow cream as classmate Hunter Dulaney stirs the mixture in the School of Medicine student lounge.


Sara Parker, right, first-year medical student, and her classmates build a snowman.


Kyle White, first-year physical therapy student, catches some major air as his classmates, Kaleb Smith and Cole Stephens, look on. 


Heads up! There's a snowball fight outside the School of Medicine building.