Mississippi Hospital Association honors UMMC employee
Published on Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Published in Press Releases on September 28, 2011
Mary Mixon of Terry, assistant administrator for University Hospital and Health System, is the recipient of the ONE Recognition Award presented by the Mississippi Hospital Association.
Bestowed by Mississippi's Organization of Nurse Executives (ONE), the award recognizes a nursing service administrator in Mississippi who has collaborated with ONE and made a significant impact in nursing leadership throughout the year.
"I am honored to receive this award, and to be recognized by my peers in the nursing field," said Mixon.
Mixon was presented with the award on Sept. 22 during an annual ONE meeting at the MHA Conference Center in Madison.
A graduate of Mississippi College, Mixon earned the M.S. in nursing at the University of Mississippi Medical Center in 1992.
As leader of the Healthcare Disparities Council, administrator of the neurophysiology lab and supervisor of patient affairs, Mixon has proven to be an effective administrator during her 32 years of service at UMMC. She is also involved with health department compliance, and the development of hospital policies and procedures.
"I am so proud to be a part of an institution that allows me to do what I love to do," said Mixon.
Mixon also serves as president of the Mississippi Chapter of American Psychiatric Nurses Association, president of the Mississippi Hospital Association's Leadership Council and president of the Toastmaster's club at UMMC.