Photos: Holiday gingerbread houses help usher in Christmas season
Published on Monday, December 16, 2019
The Grinch definitely didn’t steal Christmas from the lobby of University Hospital: Visitors, patients and employees are enjoying the all-edible houses and other construction depicting holiday themes now on display. Each creation by Medical Center departments was judged by a panel of “celebrity” UMMC volunteers. Taking home the highest honor: Pediatric Genetics.

Timothy Kewsi, left, donor heart recipient, and Patrice Donald, magnet program manager in the Office of Nursing Quality, Development and Professional Practice, check out Nursing Quality's entry in UMMC's annual gingerbread village competition. Nursing Quality's entry took second place honors.

The first place-winning Pediatric Genetics team poses with its entry.

Santa Claus awards second place to the Office of Nursing Quality's entry.

Nusrat Kabir, a research volunteer in Preventive Medicine, photographs the winning gingerbread village piece by Pediatric Genetics.

Santa Claus hands out candy canes to passers-by inside the University Hospital atrium.

On her way to visit a UMMC patient, Alexis Jones of Jackson pauses to snap a selfie with Santa Claus.

This entry from Pediatric Genetics took top prize in the competition.

The second-place gingerbread house is by the Office of Nursing Quality.

Mississippi Med-Com's entry featured an impressive beach scene.