UMMC’s first baby of New Year is pretty in pink
Published on Friday, January 1, 2016
By: Ruth Cummins
To kick off a beautiful 2016, beautiful Ja-Nya Wesley came into the world at 12:59 a.m. today.
The first New Year's baby at the University of Mississippi Medical Center, Ja-Nya had plenty of revelers waiting on her in addition to mom La'Teshia Wesley of Jackson: dad Craig Wesley and siblings Ja-Naria, 9, and Ja-Rico, 6.
“I came in yesterday afternoon, and they induced me. It started working, and I had a natural birth. Everything went well,” said Wesley, a stay-at-home mom.
“I just thank God for the staff that was here last night. They got me through it.”
Not just the holiday, but the season of Ja-Nya's birth makes it all the more special, her mom said. “My birthday was Dec. 26, and my older daughter's is Jan. 5. My wedding anniversary is Jan. 5,” she said.

Wesley thought Ja-Nya would come by her Dec. 27 due date, but Ja-Nya had different thoughts on ushering in the New Year. “When I came back to be checked on the 31st, they said they were going to keep me,” Wesley said.
It couldn't have happened soon enough for big sister Ja-Naria, though. “There's so much excitement,” Wesley said. “Every time I went to the doctor for a checkup or an ultrasound, she thought I'd come home with a baby. I told her, 'No, baby. We've got to do the countdown.' ”
Wesley said her plans include not just being at home with her children, but getting out of the house soon - to go back to school to become a certified nursing assistant.
She knows who her patients will be.
“I love old people,” Wesley said. “I love to hear their stories.”