Front and Center: Scott Berry
Published on Monday, October 3, 2022
By: Ruth Cummins
Dr. Scott Berry says he fights breast cancer “with all I have.”
That includes brandishing the color pink, the signature hue for breast cancer awareness and the global fight to find a cure against the disease.
Berry, chief of breast surgery at the University of Mississippi Medical Center and surgical director of UMMC’s Comprehensive Breast Center, is passionate about a cure and about raising money to help women who need one.
He’s taking part in the American Cancer Society’s Real Men Wear Pink fundraiser and has set a team goal of $5,000 to be achieved by himself and a group that includes his nurse, Aubrey Farmer; nurse practitioner Angela McReynolds; and daughter Melanie Berry.
Also signing up for Real Men Wear Pink from UMMC is Dr. Thomas Dobbs, dean of the Medical Center’s John D. Bower School of Population Health.

Real Men Wear Pink spotlights community leaders who raise awareness and money to fight breast cancer. The ACS says that Real Men Wear Pink has raised more than $40 million since its inception.
“Each of the men try to raise, by the end of October, as much as they can,” Berry said. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. “We have a silent auction and a raffle.”
Helping women – and men – who cope with breast cancer is an avocation for Berry and the Medical Center providers who provide those services.
“We work with these women and their families every day,” Berry said. “This is the second time I’ve done Real Men Wear Pink, and one of the reasons why is because the money raised stays locally. It goes to help women in the greater Jackson area.
“That’s something we feel strongly about. It’s a way for us to impact services for women, and not just the ones we take care of.”
Berry “definitely gives 100 percent to take care of his breast cancer patients,” McReynolds said. “He’s committed to making a difference in their lives and trying to let them know exactly what their treatment course options are. He wants to comfort them during their stressful times.”
The ACS in Mississippi provides services to cancer patients that include transportation, cancer education, lodging for treatment and advocacy efforts to improve the lives of those coping with cancer. ACS events such as Making Strides Against Breast Cancer and Relay for Life also raise funds for the fight against breast and other forms of cancer.
Latest ACS data estimate that in 2022, there will be 2,510 new cases of breast cancer in women and 450 deaths in women who have breast cancer.
Go here to financially support Berry and his team. For information on taking part in team fundraisers, email Farmer at afarmer1@umc.edu
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