More than 80 posters and clinic table displays filled the student union's second floor conference center Friday for the 23rd annual School of Health Related Professions Research Day. The room was a constant buzz of activity as SHRP students presented their research to faculty, judges and those interested in learning about the latest study topics in allied health. The event brings attention to research within the health related professions and encourages SHRP faculty and students to explore different avenues or discovery. The school-wide event is designed to allow for more collaborative interaction between UMMC faculty, staff and students.
Dr. Stacy Vance, center, professor of medical laboratory science and a SHRP Research Day judge, questions Jordan Payne, left, and Shannon Smothers-Wansley about their clinic table presentation, "Bacterial Contamination and Cellular Devices."
Dr. Joy Kuebler, professor of physical therapy, examines a research poster authored by some of her PT students.
Dr. Jessica Bailey, right, SHRP dean, and Dr. Ham Benghuzzi, second from right, professor of clinical health sciences and chair of the Research Affairs Committee, welcome some of those assembled for SHRP's 23rd annual Research Day in the student union's conference center.
Dr. Lee Bidwell, center, associate professor of neurology and SHRP Research Day judge, listens as Oluwatosin Akinyemi explains the research poster, "Interleukin-1 Receptor Antagonist Attenuates Lipopolysaccharide-induced Brain Hippocampal Injury and Improves Cognitive Impairment in Juvenile Rats."
Dr. Jessica Bailey, center, SHRP dean, discusses the importance of hand sanitizing with Monterro Bouldin Jr. and Nioshae Anderson, coauthors of the clinic table presentation, "Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Handwashing Versus Hand Sanitizing Techniques in a Clinical Laboratory Setting."
Michael Skripek, right, educates SHRP Research Day judges about his team's research poster, "The Stages of Disaster: A Survey of Occupational Therapy Practitioners' Knowledge, Engagement and Attitudes."
Jeff Stokes, a SHRP Research Day judge, peers through special glasses to observe a clinic table presentation.
Sophia Bowley explains her research poster, "Virus Like Particles with Selected Peptides for Targeting Cancer Cells," to Joseph Cameron, SHRP Research Day judge.