eCV adopts temporary weekly publishing schedule
Published on Monday, March 16, 2020
Starting with this March 16 issue, eCV, the Medical Center’s electronic newsletter, will temporarily move to a once-per-week publishing schedule for the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The publication has typically been distributed to all valid UMMC email addresses on Mondays and Thursdays since its inception in 2014.
According to Marc Rolph, executive director of UMMC Communications and Marketing, Medical Center faculty, staff and students will continue to receive comprehensive coverage of news, events and features at UMMC, albeit in one Monday email package.
He said the decision to reduce publication of eCV to once per week will allow the Office of Communications and Marketing to better serve the institution during what has become an unprecedented time for the state and nation.
“The safety and well-being of all patients, visitors, employees and students at UMMC is of foremost importance to this institution,” Rolph said. “We’re putting as many resources as needed toward communicating the important updates and messages that our UMMC community and external audiences need.”
He said Medical Center leaders will send an email with updates on preparations, policy changes and other items of note to all UMMC employees and students near the close of each business day.
To receive the most up-to-date information regarding COVID-19 and UMMC’s preparations and responses, visit the public-facing page or the UMMC Intranet updates page.