Photos: Supporters bring Mardi Gras, Valentine’s Day to Children’s of Mississippi
Published on Monday, February 19, 2024
Photos By: Jay Ferchaud and Melanie Thortis/ UMMC Photography
Friends of Children’s Hospital’s krewe brought a Mardi Gras parade to Children’s of Mississippi patients Tuesday. The next morning, members of the Mississippi National Guard served a sweet Valentine’s Day brunch to children’s hospital patients and their families.

Children's of Mississippi patient Zayden Washington of Jackson receives Mardi Gras surprises from Friends of Children's Hospital.

The Children's of Mississippi child life team and Friends of Children's Hospital brought Fat Tuesday fun to the state's only children's hospital.

Children's of Mississippi patient Telvin Holmes Jr. of Liberty shows his Valentine's Day artwork to student nurse Ava Kump.

Children's of Mississippi patient Jacob Warren of Meridian gets beads from his mom, Marsha Warren, during a Friends of Children's Hospital Mardi Gras parade.

Maj. Nancy Porter helps Children's of Mississippi patient Adley Thomas of Rayville, Louisiana, with a Valentine's Day craft. Holding Adley is her mom, Madison.

Child life manager Cara Williams gives Children's of Mississippi patient Rhett Valadie some beads during a Friends of Children's Hospital Mardi Gras parade Tuesday.

The Children's of Mississippi care team welcomes the Friends of Children's Hospital Mardi Gras parade.

Sgt. Paula Jobe and fellow Mississippi National Guard members brightened Valentine's Day at Children's of Mississippi by hosting brunch for hospital inpatients.

Child life specialist Madeline Wilson tosses beads during a Mardi Gras parade on Fat Tuesday.

Children's of Mississippi patient Adley Thomas and her mom, Madison, of Rayville, Lousiana, work on a Valentine's Day art project.

Children's of Mississippi patient Zielyn Harris of Canton is greeted with a Friends of Children's Hospital Mardi Gras parade.

Children's of Mississippi patient Telvin Holmes Jr. of Liberty receives a pin from Command Chief Warrant Officer Donny Dukes.

Bringing Mardi Gras fun to Children's of Mississippi patients are members of Friends of Children's Hospital and the children's hospital's child life team.