Population Health invites UMMC Family to play BINGO
By: Karen Bascom
Bright posters hanging throughout the University of Mississippi Medical Center campus serve to educate and entertain.
Starting Friday, Feb. 1, the John D. Bower School of Population Health is hosting a campus-wide BINGO-style game through the end of the month to increase knowledge of the concepts of population health.
The game is open to all UMMC students, faculty and staff.
The posters each correspond to spaces on population health BINGO cards, which can be picked up Feb. 1 outside Rowland Medical Library and at the flu-shot location near adult hospital billing window. Participants can also get cards from inside the library and Meds & Threads throughout the month of February.

Each card space has a corresponding poster on campus that contains a brief description of one of the aspects of population health, such as “Population Health is a team science approach to health care,” and “Population Health is helping to drive the redesign of the health care system.”
When you see a poster on campus matching one of your card spaces, write the clue location code from the poster’s bottom edge inside your BINGO card’s corresponding space. If you complete a traditional five-space line, row or diagonal: Congratulations! Instead of shouting out, write your name on the card, scan it and email it to sophdean@umc.edu before February 28. The first 50 participants to complete and report a BINGO will receive a prize from the School, such as drink tumbler, note pad or water bottle.

After getting a straight BINGO, participants can keep playing in a “coverall” game. If you find and mark all of your card’s spaces, submit as described above to be entered into a grand prize drawing for a gift basket.
To facilitate game-play across campus, there will be multiple copies of each poster, each located in a different mission area. So, if you spend most of your day in the adult hospital, you won’t need to go to the School of Dentistry to get a BINGO.
Dr. Bettina Beech, dean of the School of Population Health, encouraged UMMC community members to participate in the game.
“We hope that people across campus will join us in this fun way to learn more about population health and its role in the health care system,” Beech said.