Prognosis good for Gov. William Winter following fall, head injury
Published on Monday, January 9, 2017
By: Ruth Cummins
Former Mississippi Gov. William Winter is recovering well at the University of Mississippi Medical Center following a head injury and should move from the neuroscience intensive care unit on Tuesday to a regular room, his doctor says.
Winter, 93, slipped on ice on the driveway of his Jackson home late Saturday morning, suffering a traumatic head injury, including a small brain bleed, and multiple lacerations. Dr. Gilbert Mbeo, his neurologist and traumatic brain injury specialist, said the governor's progress is much better than he'd expect for someone his age.

The governor “looks great,” Mbeo, an assistant professor of neurology, said Monday. “We're watching him closely, and his scans continue to improve. That's reassuring.”
Winter remained in fair condition as of Monday afternoon.
His family is expressing thanks to friends and community members who have rallied behind the governor with an outpouring of love and concern.
“We also would take this opportunity to express our gratitude and admiration for the competence and compassion of the medical professionals at UMMC who care for thousands of other Mississippians day in and day out,” the family said in a statement given to the Medical Center. “We are particularly indebted to those in the Emergency Department, Surgical ICU and Neuroscience ICU who have treated William.
“We will always be grateful to Drs. Finley, Robertson, Kutcher, Tullos, Mbeo and their colleagues, and to nurses Ashley, Jasper, Scott, Bobby, Brandi, as well as others whose names we did not catch. We also appreciate beyond words the emotional support from Dr. Dan Jones.
“All of these people are heroes who help patients and families deal with traumatic challenges.”
The governor's health-care team will continue to monitor his test results and the upward trajectory of his recovery, Mbeo said.