Photos: New residents learning the ropes
Published on Monday, July 8, 2024
Photos By: Joe Ellis, Jay Ferchaud and Melanie Thortis/ UMMC Photography
Across the Medical Center campus, new residents have been undergoing orientation and training. This essential part of their medical education began July 1.

Dr. Risa Moriarty, center, assists new emergency medicine resident, Dr. Bethany Fuller, right, with a suturing technique. At work to the left is Dr. Lauren Hopper.

Dr. Jimmy Stewart, associate dean for graduate medical education, welcomes new residents during orientation.

Surgical tech James Burnett shows new orthopaedic surgical residents how to scrub in. From left are Dr. Humberto Aparicio, Dr. Aaron Hurd and Dr. Akeelein Forrest.

Residents Dr. Jacob Meyer and Dr. Angelica Walinski practice inserting a chest tube.

New orthopaedic surgery residents Dr. Kyle Deivert and Dr. Ahsia Clayton practice scrubbing in.

Dr. Erin Sears, center, is surrounded by fellow residents during orientation at the UMMC School of Medicine.

Moriarty assists new emergency medicine resident Dr. Jacob Meyer in suturing.

Dr. Joseph Doherty, left, assistant professor of emergency medicine, trains new residents in inserting a chest tube.

New orthopaedic surgery resident Dr. Aaron Hurd scrubs in.

Doherty, center, assistant professor of emergency medicine, shows new residents how to insert a chest tube in a simulation exercise.

Burnett, right, demonstrates proper gown procedure in the operating room with Aparicio, center, and fellow residents.

New residents fill an auditorium inside the UMMC School of Medicine during orientation.

Deivert, left, helps Burnett during training for new residents at the University of Mississippi Medical Center. Looking on is Aparicio.