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Mississippi charity horse show gives $35,000 donation to Children's Hospital

Published on Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Robert Taylor (fourth from left), president, and Dude Prestwood, (third from right) vice-president and show manager of the Mississippi Charity Horse Show, present a $35,000 check to Terri Gillespie, chief nursing officer of Blair E. Batson Hospital for Children. The money was raised during the April show, which featured Tennessee Walking Horses from around the world. The 2011 show marked the fifth year the annual event has benefitted the Children's Hospital. Also pictured are (from left), Quida Davis, clinical director at Batson Hospital;  Heather Roberts; Tara McWhirter, treasurer of the show; Colby Barrett, Batson patient; Denise Taylor; Guy Giesecke, CEO of Batson Hospital; Anna McWhirter; and Jean Prestwood.