Employee engagement takes next steps with focus groups
Published on Monday, March 6, 2023
By: Danny Barrett, dlbarrett@umc.edu
Photos By: Jay Ferchaud/UMMC Photography
Employees are encouraged to take part in focus groups starting March 14 to discuss top concerns reported in the 2022 Employee Engagement survey.
Groups will explore two findings from the survey:
- 25 percent of respondents said they would not or were neutral on recommending UMMC to family and friends who need care.
- 64 percent of respondents disagreed or were neutral that UMMC effectively demonstrates its value of its employees through advancement opportunities, career development opportunities, adequate compensation and small acts of appreciation.

“Any organization that wants to improve, must make changes and adjustments in order to do so,” said Molly Brasfield, chief human resources officer. “Our employee engagement survey results revealed the areas that our employees feel are our largest improvement opportunities, so it is important for us to delve deeper in dialogue with our employees to truly understand what changes and adjustments would have the most positive impact. Each of us has our own perceptions and preferences and our action planning can only be effective if we listen to understand the diverse points of view and then allow them to guide our improvement efforts. Focus groups will be one important way to gain this deeper understanding.”
Participants may register in HealthStream after receiving verbal approval from a manager. Participants should sign up only for a session within their mission area.
The groups are geared to start a meaningful conversation with employees to create an action plan that works for everyone.
“The only way to successfully affect this type of change is to hear from those who are directly impacted,” said Dr. Kristin Nalls, assistant dean for community in the School of Dentistry, who has volunteered to lead a focus group discussion. “We shouldn’t guess or assume what people want or need. My goal in volunteering as a group facilitator is providing a safe place for everyone to speak on the things that matter to them in their various job responsibilities and every day interactions with colleagues, as well as how their personal values align with our institution.
“I hope that I am able to gain fresh perspective on the needs of the UMMC community and use this information to help create an actionable and sustainable plan to create stronger employee fulfillment and engagement moving forward.”
For health system employees, the sessions available are labeled EE Focus Group Sessions - Health System. For academics, research and service area employees, the sessions available are labeled EE Focus Group Sessions – Academics Research Service Areas.
Two WebEx sessions are available for employees outside the Jackson campus. As with the live sessions, employees can only sign up for a session within their mission area.
For health system employees off the main campus (Grenada, Lexington, CBO, etc.), the sessions available are labeled EE Focus Group WebEx OFF CAMPUS Employees Health System.
For academics, research and service area off campus employees, the sessions available are labeled EE Focus Group WebEx OFF CAMPUS Employees A&R Service Areas.
For more information on the focus groups, please contact HRBP@umc.edu