Front and Center: Trenda McGinnis
Published on Monday, July 17, 2023
By: Annie Oeth, aoeth@umc.edu
Photos By: Jay Ferchaud/ UMMC Communications
Trenda McGinnis found her niche at the University of Mississippi Medical Center and its pediatric arm, Children’s of Mississippi, “by accident.”
“I had worked at another hospital and was leaving that job to take a sabbatical when I heard about a temporary job at UMMC,” she said. “It was supposed to last three months.”
Six years later, McGinnis is the administrative assistant for the Division of Pediatric Pulmonology and Sleep Medicine.
“While I was working temporarily, I was working in my gifts, organization and management,” she said.
Her efforts were noticed. “I was called to a meeting and thought they were going to give me an end date for the temporary job, but instead they gave me a job offer.”
McGinnis has a work philosophy that made her an appreciated team member of the division. “In a nutshell, I help others. Whatever someone needs, I want to help them and make everyone else’s job easier. It’s pretty rewarding.”
She’s also worked to give the Pediatric Pulmonology offices a professional appearance that’s also warm and welcoming for UMMC employees and visitors. When pediatric pulmonology care moved to the Kathy and Joe Sanderson Tower’s Level B, McGinnis helped make that transition easier for everyone.
“Trenda is one of a kind,” said Randall Orr, a registered polysomnography technician. “She always goes above and beyond to provide for all of us in the department. I have truly felt like family from the very beginning here. She is the only administrator/manager I have ever had who has the ability to be able to maintain both a professional and family-oriented environment. She not only has UMMC/Children's best interest in mind but also her department.”
Dr. Marc Majure, chief of pediatric pulmonology, said McGinnis keeps the division running smoothly for patients and their families as well as her colleagues.

“We know that things will not always be perfect. When they aren’t, Trenda does not look for who to blame, but how can we as a team make it work better from now on,” he said. “That’s what patient care and customer service should be.”
A Chicago native who now calls Pisgah home, McGinnis built upon her associate degrees in business and in accounting by earning a bachelor’s degree in business administration from Belhaven and working toward an MBA there.
McGinnis and her husband have been married 28 years and have four children and six grandchildren. “I’m enjoying being a ‘Gannie’ – no R.”
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