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UMMC staff receive service recognition

The Medical Center is proud to acknowledge those employees who will celebrate service anniversaries during the week of June 19-25.

25 Years

Jacqueline Dorsey, professional fee coder, University Physicians (Charge Entry)

20 Years

Latesa Eskridge, imaging technician, Holmes County Hospital (Diagnostic Radiology)

Tanya Henry, accounting manager, Accounts Payable Department

Lynette Parks, imaging technician, Holmes County Hospital (Diagnostic Radiology)

15 Years

Sandra Gilmer, technical lab supervisor, Family Medicine Clinic Lab

Titus McGowan, supervisor, Materials Management

Ami Risher, ECMO specialist, SSC (ECMO)

10 Years

Dr. Svenja J. Albrecht, assistant professor of medicine, School of Medicine (Infectious Diseases)

Felecia Bass, nurse, University Physicians (Grants Ferry Hallway 6)

Tiffany Burchfield, occupational therapist, University Hospital (Occupational Therapy)

Janie Criddle, ambulatory nurse, School of Medicine (Pediatric Hematology/Oncology)

Judy Gregory, business operations manager, School of Medicine (Surgery)

Jennifer Hospodor, Children's Miracle Network director, Office of Development

Richard Langley, carpenter, Building Maintenance (Carpenter Shop)

5 Years

Abby Becklehimer, inpatient nurse, Batson Children's Hospital (Emergency Department)

Maegan Cook, inpatient nurse, CCH (2 MICU)

Brenda Gross, technician, Environmental Services

Debra Jones, senior Epic application coordinator/analyst, Information Systems

Jennifer Lang, physical therapist, University Hospital (Physical Therapy)

Rebekah McGaughey, inpatient nurse, University Hospital (Ambulatory Surgery)

Catherine McKee, clinical research nurse, University Physicians (Dermatology - Face and Skin Center)

Katherine Speer, nurse, CCH (CICU)