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UMMC graduate elected to the board of National Family Physicians Group

Published on Tuesday, September 20, 2011

A graduate of the University of Mississippi School of Medicine has been elected to the board of directors of the American Academy of Family Physicians.



Dr. Brent Smith, who's in his third year of residency training in family medicine at UMMC, was elected to a one-year term by the National Congress of Family Medicine Residents and confirmed by the AAFP's governing body, the Congress of Delegates. The AAFP represents 100,300 physicians and medical students nationwide.

As the resident member of the board of directors, Smith is responsible for representing the interests and opinions of the National Congress of Family Medicine Residents to the AAFP Board of Directors and Congress of Delegates. In addition, he will advocate on behalf of family physicians and patients nationwide to inspire positive change in the U.S. health-care system.

Smith said he was thankful for the opportunity to serve on the board, and he wants to use it as a catalyst for change in Mississippi's health indices.

"Mississippi performs very poorly in treatment and outcomes of chronic diseases, and the solution is expanded primary care. I hope that I can learn the intricacies of the problems facing our health-care workforce in this state, so that I can be a more effective voice for change within Mississippi. I think that the future health of Mississippi depends on our investment in primary care in the coming decade," he said.

A graduate of Ouachita Baptist University in Arkansas, Smith earned the M.D. at UMMC in 2009. He is completing his family medicine residency training and also working on his M.S. in clinical education at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland.

Throughout his academic career, Smith has been active in the American Medical Association and Mississippi State Medical Association. He currently serves as the resident member of the Mississippi AMA Board of Trustees.

In addition to his academic work, Smith has contributed to his community as a volunteer with the Jackson Free Clinic, Habitat for Humanity, Ronald McDonald House, and as a volunteer team physician for multiple local high school sports teams.