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News Archive from the School of Graduate Studies in Health Sciences, the School of Health Related Professions, the School of Dentistry, the School of Medicine, the School of Nursing, and the School of Population Health in 2017

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January 2017‹ go back
Dental students follow in families' footsteps for 'Best Job'01/30/2017
July 2017‹ go back
People of the U: Miles Backstrom07/07/2017
Fitch-Swiney gift establishes Schools of Medicine, Nursing scholarship07/17/2017
UMMC’s sophisticated lab identifies most baffling opioids, street drugs07/24/2017
August 2017‹ go back
Dedication of new medical school building bodes well for health care's future08/04/2017
Medical school's legacy is a roadmap to a healthier Mississippi08/07/2017
Creation of ’55 medical school due to spine-tingling courage08/07/2017
Video: Medical school's legacy is a roadmap to a healthier Mississippi08/07/2017
Dermatology residency partnership addresses rural specialty needs08/14/2017
Elkins to head UMMC hematology-oncology division08/15/2017
October 2017‹ go back
Video: Lanier Lady Bulldogs score with UMMC assist10/09/2017
Biomedical Sciences program experiences rapid growth10/19/2017
SGSHS Research Day highlights trainees, Distinguished Alumnus10/30/2017
November 2017‹ go back
Grant seeks to shore up dental faculty numbers11/02/2017
Population health: big data, big solutions11/09/2017
New UMMC research building to promote 'discovery to recovery'11/10/2017
December 2017‹ go back
Name of admired ophthalmologist McCaa lives on with endowment12/14/2017
After denture course makeover, patients are all smiles12/14/2017
Surprising finding distinguishes med student’s research project12/18/2017
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