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LDA Validation for Bugsy

UMMC will go-live with the implementation of Bugsy, Epic's Infection Control module, on Monday, October 3, 2022. Reporting certain types of patient lines to the National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) is required. With the implementation of Bugsy, this information will be reported electronically from Epic documentation, replacing the current method of manual reporting. 

Nurses receive a daily task reminder on the Brain, Brain Sidebar, and Work List activities to document line validation starting on October 3, 2022 at 11:59 p.m. and daily thereafter. If unable to document at that time, remember to change the date/time when documenting to validate that patient still has a line, Foley or vent at that time of the day. 

When the task is opened, the Denominator Entry window populates the screen. Complete the information for the specific patient. 


Nurse managers (and staff nurses) use patient lists to verify documentation is completed or document NHSN devices. Add the NHSN Denominator Validation column to your MyList to show whether denominator validation has been completed. If documentation hasn't been completed for a given patient, nurses can double-click that patient's row in the NHSN Denominator Validation column to open the Denominator Entry window. 

Additionally, with the implementation of Bugsy, Hemodialysis (HD) lines will be updated in Epic to improve line reporting. There will be 5 types of HD lines starting October 3, 2022: 

  • Hemodialysis Arteriovenous Fistula 
  • Hemodialysis Arteriovenous Graft
  • Hemodialysis Cath Double Lumen
  • Hemodialysis Cath Triple Lumen
  • Peritoneal Dialysis Catheter