UPDATED: New Hyperkalemia Treatment Orderset (For Jackson Only)
In January 2019, UMMC approved a new order set for management of patients with hyperkalemia. This is now available in Epic. This order set will replace the order for the Reuben’s IV infusion to treat hyperkalemia.
"Let Expire" for PTA Meds
Clinicians now have more options when completing discharge medication reconciliation for expired prior-to-admission (PTA) medications. There are two common situations in which a patient's PTA medications can be expired at the point of discharge medication reconciliation:
New Workflow: Diabetic Foot Exam
As we strive to improve discrete documentation for quality reporting and chronic disease management, we have implemented a standardized workflow for the documentation of the diabetic foot exam. Please note that all quality tracking dashboards and reports will look only to the documentation workflows described below.
Reminder: New Name for Dexa Bone Density Scans
For Jackson only:
This is a reminder that as of yesterday (Monday, June 3), new orders are available for Dexa bone density scans that are performed in the Pavilion under a new name: "Clinic Performed Dexa Scan."
Arron J. Vickery Senior Director - Information Technology avickery@umc.edu
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