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Patient Transfers Automatically Update on the Unit Manager

Beginning on April 18, 2022, patient transfers performed by Ambassador Services will automatically be updated on Unit Manager, and will no longer require manual transfer in Epic. When a provider places a transfer order, a transfer request is automatically generated and statuses from Ambassador Services (acknowledged, in progress, or complete) will automatically appear on the Unit Manager. The status of complete automatically arrives a patient to the receiving unit and removes the patient from the sending unit. There are exceptions to the automatic transfer occurring. If Ambassador Services is not involved in the transfer (i.e. unit staff performs transfer), a manual transfer in Epic will still be needed. 

For more detailed information, review the tip sheet: Patient Transfers Automatically Update on the Unit Manager

Kristina A. Cherry PhD, RN, NEA-BC, FNP-BC 

Chief Nursing Executive 


Helpful Links: DIS Newsletter Archive, Epic Website, Epic Training, MyChart

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