Did you know that you can add tasks and reports to your Favorites list in Workday? This will allow you to quickly and easily access reports and tasks that you use on a regular basis. Click here to view instructions for adding tasks and reports to your Favorites list in Workday.
Do you need access in Workday to order supplies? In order to create requisitions to order supplies and/or equipment, you must be assigned the Cost Center Requester role in Workday. This includes ordering supplies from Staples. How can the Cost Center Requester role be assigned to you? The Cost Center owner of the cost center(s) for which you will place orders must submit a help desk ticket that includes the following: - Employee Name and ID
- Role requested: Cost Center Requester role
- Cost Center(s) for which you will need to submit requisitions
Other cost center roles, such as Cost Center Admin Specialist, Cost Center Level 1 and Level 2 Approver, Cost Center Financial Analyst, etc. can be assigned to employees directly in Workday by the Cost Center owner. Click here to view instructions for how you can view the roles for a cost center and how a Cost Center Owner can assign roles to employees.
Student Recruiting: As more deadlines approach, consider utilizing the tools of Workday Student Recruiting such as engagement plans to encourage applicants to submit the online application. Student Admissions: Please ensure your admission committee members and chairs have completed WDS 102B, so they will have access to their appropriate applicant pools. You do not want to wait until decisions need to be made to give access to these individuals. Recruiting and Admissions Security Roles: As faculty and staff join or leave the institution, please email Christi Hardy (cdhardy@umc.edu) to ensure their security is appropriately assigned or removed.
A PayrollAccountingAdjustment should be created to retroactively correct the accounting on payroll results that have been completed. If all or a portion of an employee's earnings for a previous pay period should have been paid from a different funding source (cost center, grant, designation, etc.), a Payroll Accounting Adjustment will need to be submitted to correct the payroll results. Examples of when a Payroll Accounting Adjustment should be completed: - A costing allocation was not completed for the time period that an employee should have been paid from a grant.
- An employee's time was not transferred to the correct cost center in Kronos.
Click here to view instructions for creating a Payroll Accounting Adjustment in Workday.
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