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Blood Cultures Collection

In an effort to assist nursing with tasks, phlebotomy will begin collecting blood cultures on Monday, November 7, 2022. Nursing will continue to see the order to acknowledge but will no longer receive a task to collect. The phlebotomist will receive the task instead. Nursing will not be able to change the collection method to nurse collect for blood cultures. 

Please note target audience: all adult units on Jackson campus except BMT. 

Call 5-9777 for any issue in lab collection of blood cultures. 


Epic Quarterly Upgrade: November 2022

On Sunday, November 6th, Daylight Saving Time will end and Epic will be unavailable from 12:55 a.m. until approximately 2:30 a.m. due to the time change. To take advantage of the scheduled downtime, DIS will perform a required Epic update. 

All Nursing units should print their downtime reports and MARS from the BCA computers at 12:30 a.m. on Sunday, November 6th. 

At 2:00 a.m., Daylight Saving Time will end, the clock in Epic will be turned back to 1:00 a.m., and we will repeat the 1:00 - 2:00 a.m. hour. Epic access will be restored at approximately 2:30 a.m. following the repeated 1:00 - 2:00 a.m. hour. 

Upgrade Materials for Inpatient Nursing: 

After the upgrade on Sunday, November 6th, several enhancements will be present in the Epic nursing views. Click here to view the complete upgrade guide: Inpatient Nursing Upgrade Guide. Some highlights include: 

  • Nursing staff will be able to add up to 25 (previously limited to 15) patients on the Brain. 
  • On the patient card in the Brain, a new notification appears when a patient's infection doesn't match his isolation status. 
  • Finding Blood transfusion information in the event log will include information like unit and volume. 
  • Entry screens automatically advance in Rover for some flowsheet documentation. 
  • Individual orders can be acknowledged in Rover. 
  • Similar Patient Names show in bold and italic text in secure chat. 
  • Research patients, activities, and information have a new icon replacing the flask. It consists of 3 hexagons and is located on the storyboard next to the patient's image. 

Other items of interest include the following tip sheets: 

Tip Sheet: A Condensed View of the Brain

Reporting and Slicer Dicer Upgrades for ClinDoc

New Tools in Your In Basket 

Epic Education and Question Session

On Tuesday, November 15th, 8:00 - 9:30 and from 11:00 - 12:00, come visit your Epic team in Z105 for inpatient nursing Epic questions, education, and tips. Several topics we will offer a review on include Rover, the Brain sidebar, the Avatar, and blood administration. 

Kristina A. Cherry PhD, RN, NEA-BC, FNP-BC

Chief Nursing Executive 

Helpful Links: DIS Newsletter Archive, Epic Website, Epic Training, MyChart

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