Change Job Reason Code
Published on Tuesday, February 25, 2020
Note: This article is for manager's who would complete this business process.
When choosing the Change Job reason code, please confirm you are using the correct reason code before submitting the action. Failure to choose the correct reason code may impact an employee's pay. For example, Status Change should be used ONLY when changing the time type and/or scheduled hours field. Location Change should be used ONLY to change the employee's primary location.
Please select the appropriate reason for this job change based on the following definitions:
- Transfer - moving from one Supervisory Organization to another
- Increase in Grade - staying within the same Supervisory Organization but increase in job grade
- Decrease in Grade - staying within the same Supervisory Organization but decrease in job grade
- Lateral - staying within the same Supervisory Organization but job grade stays the same
- Status Change - staying within the same Supervisory Organization and job profile but adjustment to scheduled hours