Storyboard Coming to Epic
Great news: Storyboard is coming to Epic on November 3, 2019!
Storyboard will allow you to quickly review your patient's key information (i.e., their "story") as your room your patient or write your progress note for the visit. No matter where you are in the patient's chart, you'll see information such as vitals, allergies, medical history, and more on the left side of the screen.
Storyboard gives you quick access to the information you need in layers:
- You can glace at it for basic information (name, vitals, allergies, etc.)
- Hover over it to see details
- Then click the section to take action or view comments and notes.
Take a look at our new Storyboard video in the Epic Resource center for more details! For instructions and help, view our tip sheets below, or visit the "Help" section in Epic.
Tip Sheets:
- Storyboard ABCs for Clinical Staff
- Storyboard for Outpatient Clinicians
- Storyboard for Anesthesia Clinicians
- ED Storyboard (Nurse)
- ED Storyboard (Physician)
- Storyboard: Manage My Horizontal Activity Tabs