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Dysphagia BPA

Published on Tuesday, June 18, 2019

A BPA will fire if there is an order to screen and the Dysphagia Screening Tool is incomplete (all three sections are not documented).

The order to screen comes only from the Stroke-specific order sets.

Image: Dysphagia BPA 1

If the first BPA was dismissed and/or the Dysphagia Screening Tool was still not completed, a second BPA will fire. This occurs when an attempt to administer a PO medication or a patient has PRN medications with a route of oral.

Image: Dysphagia BPA 2

A third BPA:

Fires for registered nurses when attempting to administer a PO med by clicking on the med to administer it when:

  1. Patient is admitted AND
  2. Dysphagia Screen Part 1 is YES OR Dysphagia Screen Part 2 is YES OR Dysphagia Screen Part 3 is YES (all with a lookback of 12 hours current encounter) AND
  3. Dysphagia Screen Part 3 is NOT NULL AND
  4. Patient has meds due on the MAR with a route of Oral ORhas active PRN medication orders with a route of oral.

Image: Dysphagia BPA 3

An Acknowledge Reason of "Medication administered per NGT/OGT" allows you to continue with documenting administration, but does not lock the BPA out at all, so that it will fire again on the next administration.

An Acknowledge Reason of "Verbal or documented clearance by SLP" allows you to continue with documenting administration and locks out the BPA for all users for the current encounter for 24 hours (which is past the 12 hour lookback).

Acknowledge Reason is Always Requiredso that you cannot get past it to do an administration without choosing one of them.