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New Reminders: "Med List Status" and "Admission Med Rec" BPA

Published on Friday, October 26, 2018

There are now two new reminders in Epic to assist in keeping patients' medications reconciled appropriately.

Med List Status

The first reminder, "Med List Status," appears to all users who update PTA Medications. When a "Prior To Admission" medication is added to a patient's chart and the "Med List Status" is blank, users will receive a reminder to update the "Med List Status" when they attempt to leave the "PTA Meds" tab.

Image: Medication List 1


Admission Med Rec BPA - Inpatient Only

The second reminder, "Admission Med Rec," will show to providers only  when they open the chart and "Admission Medication Reconciliation" has not been completed after 12 hours of admission.

Image: Medication List

If the BPA is dismissed, it will reappear when the chart is opened by any of the specified users, including the user who dismissed it. If the BPA is acknowledged, it will not reappear for that user only for 12 hours, but will continue to fire for others. Until "Admission Med Rec" is completed, it will continue to fire in this manner.