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New "Note Type" Changes Happening October 15

Published on Thursday, October 11, 2018

On Monday, October 15, there will be three “Note Type” changes you may notice in the Inpatient Setting of Epic:

  • The “OnCall” Note no longer requires a co-signature by the Attending when the Resident writes the note. This note type can be used to document incidents that happened while on call.

  • The “Significant Event” Note will now require a co-signature by the Attending when the Resident writes the note. This note type should be used to document life-threatening events for the patients.

  • NEW NOTE TYPE: The “Restraints or Seclusion” Note will also require a co-signature by the Attending when the Resident writes the note. This note should be completed any time the patient has been placed in restraints.

Image: Restraints note screenshot