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Reminder for Setting Billing Provider for Radiographic Images

When students or residents complete dental imaging in the radiology department at the School of Dentistry, remember to review the billing provider that is set on the imaging procedures in the treatment plan. 

The cosigning faculty member should be used for the billing provider for all procedures except imaging procedures that are taken in the SOD Radiology department. For imaging taken at the SOD Radiology department, the billing provider must be set as Dr. Rohan Jagtap

To review the billing provider associated with a procedure, hover over the provider button to the right of the procedure. 

To make changes to the billing provider, click on the provider button. Additional settings for the procedure will open. Change the billing provider to the appropriate faculty member, and click accept to save your changes. 

Required Treatment Plan Fields for Students: 

Please review our tip sheet below for additional tips and information regarding the required department and visit type fields for student treatment plans. 

Required Treatment Plan Fields for Student Scheduling Tip Sheet