- Dentistry
- Departments
- Biomedical Materials
- Graduate-Program
Graduate Program
Graduate Program

The Biomedical Sciences PhD program in Biomedical Materials Sciences gives students a solid background in materials science and biomaterials through structured course work and a hands-on research project. Graduates will possess the necessary skills for research careers in academia as well as industry. Entering students must have an undergraduate degree in engineering, science, or healthcare.
The education of the student focuses on the fundamental understanding of materials science and the biological principles that govern the response to biomedical materials and devices when implanted in the body. Students are educated through didactic instruction, laboratories, and involvement in active research projects.
Research Areas:
- Mechanical design optimization of dental implants
- Three dimensional computer modeling and validation of dental restorations and oral-maxillofacial implants
- Fatigue, fracture, and failure analysis of implant materials and ceramics
- Bioactive, antimicrobial, and osseointegrative implant coatings
- Synthesis and modification of polymeric biomaterials
- Tissue engineering
- Investigation of cellular biology (obesity, liver diseases)
- Drug delivery systems
Emphasis on a Well-Rounded Education:
Depending on a student’s educational background (biological sciences, engineering), additional didactic instruction is provided. Students are educated in various ways to prepare them as well-rounded researchers. For example:
- Students are trained to be competent in using the multiple biomedical materials analysis techniques available within the department.
- Students are coached to critically evaluate the published scientific literature and present the results of their own scientific investigations, both orally and in writing, cogently, with appropriate statistical analysis.
- The graduate program facilitates rotations for the students in research labs that are outside of their mentor’s lab to broaden their exposure to different scientific disciplines.
- Students are also provided opportunities to participate in various community outreach activities such as K-12 education, community events to demonstrate science-related information, and judging at science fairs.
- All students actively mentor high school, undergraduate, and dental students in their research.
Student Productivity:
In the past six years, our graduate students have:
- Won 15 awards for outstanding research
- Published 24 journal articles
- Filed 2 patent disclosures
- Contributed to 55 conference presentations
- Mentored 29 high school, undergraduate, and dental students in their research
With such a multifaceted training approach, the PhD graduates from our program have secured gainful employment in academia, government, and industry.
Some of the Job Titles for our Graduates Include:
- Associate professor at the University of Mississippi Medical Center
- Assistant professor at the University of Mississippi Medical Center
- Scholar-In-Residence, Food and Drug Administration
- Senior Manager at American Dental Association
- Research Engineer at a dental manufacturer
- Process Engineer at a materials manufacturer
Requirements for Admission:
- BS/MS in an Engineering, Science, or Healthcare Discipline
- Strong Interest in Materials Science
- GRE (≥ 300) (optional)
- Official Transcripts
- Three Letters of Reference
- International applicants require TOEFL (≥ 79) and must demonstrate a level of written and oral proficiency in English (More details at https://www.umc.edu/Office-of-International-Services)
- Apply ASAP for Full Consideration
- Apply online at: umc.edu/graduateschool
Graduate Student Perks:
- $32,500 per year living allowance (Yes, you get paid to obtain a PhD)
- Full tuition scholarship
- Attend national and international meetings
- Generate cutting edge medical knowledge
- Train with nationally and internationally recognized biomedical researchers
- Train the next-generation of high school and undergraduate biomedical researchers
Current Students
For More Information:
For more information on application procedures, financial aid and faculty, contact:
- Dr. Susana Salazar Marocho
Director, Graduate Programs in Biomedical Materials Science
(601) 984-6170 - University of Mississippi Medical Center
School of Dentistry
Department of Biomedical Materials Science
2500 N. State St., D528
Jackson, MS 39216-4505
(601) 984-6170