Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Updates
By: Marilyn Harrington, PhD, RN, AGNP-C

Dr. Marilyn Harrington,
assistant dean for
diversity, equity and inclusion
"The UMMC SON believes in the importance of diversity, equity, inclusion and justice for all of our students. We aim to break down barriers that prevent our students from being able to utilize their abilities to their fullest potential. We recognize that with a diverse student body, there is diversity in learning styles; therefore, a variety of teaching styles will be incorporated to maximize the thought, intellect, resources and abilities that a diverse student body provides to the overall student learning process." - UMMC School of Nursing Diversity Statement
UMMC SON Chapter of the American Association of Men in Nursing
The inaugural UMMC SON American Association for Men in Nursing (AAMN) chapter is well on its way. AAMN is a national organization with primary objectives to encourage male nurses to grow professionally; demonstrate to each other as well as society the increasing contributions being made by men in the nursing profession; to encourage men to become nurses; and join together with all nurses — thereby strengthening and humanizing health care to Americans.
Activities are currently being conducted to increase membership. While the title says men in nursing, all are welcome to become members. The cost for licensed nurses is $50 annually and nursing students can join at $15 annually. Please join in this new and exciting organization.
The chapter had its first official meeting on November 2 and shortly after, its 13 members of SON faculty, staff and UMMC employees voted Dr. Joseph Tacy, associate dean for academic affairs, the chapter President. Earlier this month, a new chapter president, Dr. Derek Holt, director of the Family Nurse Practitioner MSN track, was voted on due to Tacy's soon leaving the UMMC SON.
Upcoming DEI events
AACN Diversity Symposium
The annual American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Diversity Symposium will be held in New Orleans on February 5-7, 2024. Each SON is asked to supply new socks, gently used coats and gently used blankets for the homeless communities in New Orleans. If you have any donations, please submit them to Dr. Harrington in room A219. Please see AACN website for more information.
Global Nursing Trip
Dr. Harrington, along with members of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee (DEIC), will travel to Ecuador in August 2024. A maximum of 15 students will be able to participate along with faculty. For more information, contact the DEIC chair Dr. Derek Holt or Dr. Marilyn Harrington.
Diversity and inclusion opportunities
Inclusive Conversations:
InclUsive conversations is a series of exchanges and dialogue among members of the UMMC community on stimulating topics in pursuit of sharing and understanding experiences, emotions, and different perspectives. This forum is held monthly and sponsored by the Office of Diversity and Inclusion (ODI).
Diversity and Inclusion Champion Professional Development and Certificate Program:
Registration for Cohort VI of the Diversity and Inclusion Champions certificate program will close January 12, 2024. CE credits, digital credentials, a certificate of completion and lapel pen are offered to completers.
Fall semester in review
DEI Lunch and Learns
Dr. Harrington presented two Lunch-and-Learns this semester: "Implicit Bias and Student Admissions” on September 11 and “How to Add DEI to Your Case Studies” on December 4. There were 39 and 18 attendees, respectively.
SON Recruitment Activities
Dr. Harrington attended two September recruitment events: the Hinds County Recruitment Fair and the Raymond High School Career Day. Students were challenged to consider nursing as a profession and to choose the UMMC SON for their education. She also attended this year’s Mississippi Nurses Association convention, along with Student Affairs, in late October to assist with recruitment.
Annual Heritage Luncheon
The SON’s Annual Heritage Luncheon, held on September 21, was a success! Faculty, staff, and students were present for the event! The theme of this year's Heritage Luncheon was LatinX/Hispanic. Mrs. Shirley Pandolfi from the UMMC ODI was the guest speaker for the event. Her presentation was very informative and interactive, featuring a "Guess Who" game to help everybody learn more about each other and LatinX/Hispanic culture.
Diversity Book Club
The Diversity Book Club was held on two dates in November. The book explored was "Small Great Things" by Jodi Picoult. Dr. Keyshawnna Lee, director of the Traditional BSN program, served as facilitator. The event was well attended by faculty and staff.
Other updates
UMMC SON Food Pantry
The new SON Food Pantry is still collecting food items to be placed in the pantry. Canned items and other items with a long shelf life are welcome. Please bring all donations to Dr. Marilyn Harrington in the School of Nursing building (A219).
Intraprofessional Project with SHRP
The DEIC spearheaded its first interprofessional event with the DEI committee members for the UMMC School of Health Related Professions. A proposal was submitted to the ODI for the Inclusive Excellence Impact Program (IEIP) grant. The grant topic was DEI Day: DEI in Higher Education Series, which Dr. Derek Holt led. Though the grant did not receive funding, other avenues are being investigated.
20-Year Service Recognition

Dr. Harrington was recognized at the UMMC Fall Faculty Meeting for 20 years of service to UMMC. Dr. LouAnn Woodward, vice chancellor for health affairs and dean of the UMMC School of Medicine, presented each recipient with a framed certificate. Other recipients receiving their 20-year certificate included Dr. Deborah Bouldin, Dr. Billy Mink and Dr. John Schweinfurth.