Study Set-Up
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Research Billing
- Research billing is the process in which technical and professional charges for research participants are being routed to the correct account and billed appropriately and in compliance with relevant laws, regulations, and contractual agreements.
- Research billing must be consistent with the charge billing form and the informed consent form that is signed by the research participant.
- Newly approved IRB research studies require a Research Study Record created in Epic to link participants to a research study.
- Charge billing form (CBF) - PDF
- Straightforward rules to research billing:
- Do not bill for services the sponsor is already paying for (double billing)
- Do not bill for services that were promised free to the participant
- Do not bill for services that are for research purposes only
- Only bill for services that have no external funding source and are medically necessary
- Epic Resource Center - External site
- Research Billing - PowerPoint