Behavioral Health
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Behavioral Health Home
To date, no existing studies have attempted to comprehensively and statistically summarize the effects of telepsychology across the literature base on a national level. This meta-analysis will allow for greater confidence in making claims about the usefulness of videoconferencing in behavioral and mental health contexts. The meta-analysis is the first of its kind to pool outcome data on audio visual treatment with different types of mental health patients and different sectors.
“Once mainly the domain of rural practitioners, telepsychology is expanding significantly, thanks to technological innovations, research that shows its effectiveness and policy changes that are enabling psychologists to practice across state lines.” Amy Novotney, The Monitor on Psychology, November 2017, Vol 48, No. 10.
A 2016 survey showed that over seventy percent of behavioral health professionals have provided services remotely. Gershkovich et al., The Behavior Therapist, 2016.
- Twenty-five percent of funding is designated for this category.
Virtual Mental Health Access to Correctional Facilities
The rural jail population has increased in recent years, even as urban jail populations have decreased. Due to their geographical location, rural jails face immense difficulties in providing proper care to individuals in detention and connecting returning citizens to needed services prior to release. This project aims to develop and pilot a model for implementing a multidisciplinary telepsychology clinic to rural, justice-involved population using best practices in the assessment and treatment of both criminogenic and mental health risk factors. Our hope is to not only improve individual well-being but also community safety.