Update from the Oxford Instructional Site

Dr. Leigh Holley
Assistant Dean for the Oxford Instructional Site
Seasons Greetings and Hotty Toddy from Oxford!
Accelerated BSN students and faculty are happy to complete the fall term and are excited for the upcoming holidays. The Oxford Square is beautiful and festive this time of year, as always.
I and the entire Oxford team are thrilled to announce the 2022-2023 cohort successfully achieved a 100% NCLEX pass rate on first attempts! Many well-deserved accolades to the students and faculty who worked tirelessly to make their dreams a reality. We are ecstatic to launch these amazing students into the nursing profession as well-prepared new nurses.
Best wishes from the Oxford team for a peaceful and wondrous holiday season!
Leigh Holley, DNP, RN
Assistant Dean for the Oxford Instructional Site
School of Nursing
University of Mississippi Medical Center