Message from the Dean
Greetings from the School of Nursing! The summer has been a busy one. I started serving as interim dean on July 1, and we recently held a groundbreaking ceremony for our new SON. The impact of this new facility will be profound. A more advanced home for our SON will allow us to increase enrollment to train future generations of nurses to meet Mississippi’s health care needs. The increased number of nursing graduates means that there will be more nurses at patients’ bedsides and more nurse educators.
This fall, we will be celebrating the SON’s 75th Anniversary. Be on the lookout for more information about this very soon.
I am honored to serve as interim dean while we conduct a national search for our next leader. Please enjoy our newsletter and read about the outstanding work of the SON at UMMC.
Tina Martin, PhD, FNP-BC
Interim Dean and Professor
School of Nursing
University of Mississippi Medical Center
Empowering Nurse Leaders. Transforming Health Care.