SON sends large delegation to SNRS 2023 Conference
Published on Wednesday, April 12, 2023
With the support of the School of Nursing and the School of Graduate Studies in the Health Sciences, 21 faculty, staff, and students from UMMC attended this high-profile research conference in Orlando early last month. The conference focused on building partnerships in population health through research, education, and practice. Among the group, nine PhD in Nursing students attended; four presented! In addition to UMMC posters and presentations, Dr. Angela Duck represented the School of Nursing as a nominee for a prestigious early investigator award.A gold-level host school, the SON highlighted our PhD program, postdoctoral fellowship, and research faculty positions. Many attendees recognized our large presence and applauded our work. After one of two symposia by UMMC faculty and students, a participant commented, “You are a real example of 'teamwork makes the dream work'!” We appreciate Dean Julie Sanford’s investment in the research mission.
On the first day of the conference, Dr. Deborah Konkle-Parker presented “The Interaction between Social Determinants of Health and Physical Activity and their Impact on Stress.” Doctors Kayla Carr, Angela Duck, Katie Hall, Kathy Rhodes, and PhD student LaDaryl Watkins hosted a packed audience for their symposium, “Improving Adolescent Health and Advancing Nursing Science in School-based Clinics: A Research-Academic-Practice Consortium.” Throughout the conference, Dr. Hall shared, “From the time you were eating breakfast and drinking coffee until your after-dinner snacks, research was discussed. You would listen to a session, talk to someone after about your research idea or how you may could use a piece of what was just discussed in your own research, all while walking to the next session to pack in even more knowledge. When you were not in sessions, I found my time sitting around the lobby or even going on a walk, still continuing to discuss research ideas with students or colleagues.”
On day two, PhD candidate Dr. Deloris Slade showed her poster “Improving Care Practices of the Diabetic Patient in Community Health Centers,” which placed in the top 10 posters! That afternoon, Doctors Tina Ferrell, Katie Hall, Mary Stewart, along with project manager Sydney Reaves, and patient coordinator Jimmie Wells, presented a symposium, “Partnerships and Strategies to Promote Health Equity through Improving Follow-up after Abnormal Cervical Cancer Screenings in Women.” To close out the day, PhD candidate and SON faculty member Melissa Klamm showed her poster “Virtual Motivational Interviewing: Creating Space to Improve Physical Activity Among Adolescents.” Tamara Brock, PhD student and research assistant to Ms. Klamm, joined her in the presentation.
On the final day of the conference, Dr. Kim Douglas presented “Building Partnerships Across Universities to Level the Academic Preparedness of Nurses in Pursuit of Graduate Degrees through a Structured Onboarding Program.” At the closing session, Dr. Konkle-Parker engaged with the closing speaker in a meaningful way. Everyone privileged to attend the conference shared very positive feedback – particularly the benefits of networking with like-minded nurses. Ms. Wells shared, “I was surprised to find the nurse researchers were relaxed, passionate about their area of research which was grounded in the actual practice of direct patient care. I saw the connection of putting the research into practice and the quest to find answers to improve what we do in nursing practice.”