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Summit offers excellent recruitment opportunities of nurse leaders and student insight

Published on Monday, April 17, 2023

By: Brittany Vice

Brittany Vice
Brittany Vice
Project Manager,
Marketing and Recruitment

The Mississippi Nurses Association (MNA) hosts an annual Legislative Nursing Summit at the Jackson Convention Complex, bringing in nurses from all over the state. The conference allows current nurses and nursing students to hear from policy makers on the front lines while earning CE credit for attendance. Nurses with different levels of education, interests and gifts come together to discuss the importance and impact of leadership and involvement in legislation on health and patient care. Participants discuss how to advocate for changes needed within the field of nursing.

This conference offers an excellent recruiting opportunity for nurses who desire to also be leaders within their field. Many associate degree nurses (ADN) and ADN students in attendance were interested in furthering their nursing education at the bachelor's and graduate level. Prospective students noted an interest in UMMC because of our reputation of excellence in health care and research or personal experiences within our clinics and hospitals.

Nursing Summit
Attendees during a general session of MNA Summit.

Some interested students mentioned they considered moving to the greater Jackson metro area, stating it would be positive for both educational and job opportunities. Another group of potential students said our current students told them the course work was rigorous but worth it.

A couple of the nurses at the Summit stated that they had worked as nurses for over twenty years, and they expressed UMMC SON will always be “home” even though they have moved. They expressed that while attending the School of Nursing, they felt as though they were a part of a family, and that camaraderie transferred to their career experience at UMMC as well.

These statements affirm to the quality of our programs and the student experience.