Faculty and staff achievements
Published on Tuesday, March 14, 2023
The School of Nursing is proud to highlight faculty and staff achievements since the last Vital Signs issue.
Core Student Affairs Educator Certification
Dr. Farrah Evans, assistant professor and director of student life, passed her certification exam and became one of the first Certified Student Affairs Educators. The certification is another part of the pilot program from the Higher Education Consortium for Student Affairs Professionals (NASPA). Thank you, Dr. Evans, for once again striving to enhance our Student Affairs services to our students!
Telehealth integration article published in Journal for Nurse Practitioner
Congratulations to Dr. Anne Norwood, professor and associate dean for practice and partnerships, and other collaborating co-authors for their article titled "Integrating Telehealth: Curricular Mapping to New Standards in Nurse Practitioner Post-baccalaureate Doctor of Nursing Practice Programs" in the Journal for Nurse Practitioners https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nurpra.2023.104576.
Article in the Journal of School Health
Kudos to faculty Dr. Carolann Risley, Dr. Kim Douglas, Dr. Masoumeh Karimi and Dr. Lei Zhang for their article "Trends in Sexual Risk Behavioral Responses among High School Students between Mississippi and the United States: 2001 to 2019 YRBSS." featured in the Journal of School Health https://doi.org/10.1111/josh.13311. PhD in Nursing students Jennifer Brumfield and Gordon Gartrell also co-authored the article. We are proud of you and all you do for faculty and student scholarship!
Fletcher collaborates and publishes with fellow nurse leaders
Dr. Audwin Fletcher, professor and assistant dean for graduate programs, collaborated with 12 other nurse leaders from across the country to publish an article titled "Mentoring Black, Indigenous and People of Color Nursing Faculty toward Leadership Excellence: A Concept Analysis with Historical Research" in this month's Association of Black Nursing Faculty Foundation Journal. Congratulations, Dr. Fletcher, and thank you for your commitment to underrepresented students in nursing!