Evidence Implementation Training Program (EITP)

Dr. Michelle Palokas
Assistant Dean for
Accreditation and Evaluation
MSCEBP, Deputy Director
The JBI Evidence Implementation Training Program (JBI-EITP) is designed to help clinicians explore strategies that promote evidence implementation. The program consists of two week-long intensive workshops. During the workshops, participants learn proven approaches to implement evidence into practice and leave the course equipped to practically apply evidence in their clinical settings by:
- Developing clinical leadership skills and strengths to actively lead change
- Defining best practices in their practice area
- Conducting unbiased clinical audits and engaging in quality improvement processes
- Implementing frameworks and using software to get research into practice (GRiP) and to apply clinical evidence
- Designing and executing strategies to implement evidence-based practices (EBPs) in their clinical environments.
In the intervening months between the workshops, participants launch and lead EBP projects. The Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) students at the SON currently attend this course as part of their DNP curriculum, and utilize the JBI-EITP methodology to guide their DNP scholarly projects.
All EITP projects aim to promote the use of EBP. The specific objectives of each EITP project are:
- To determine current compliance with EBP recommendations for each topic
- To identify barriers and facilitators to improving compliance and develop strategies to address areas of non-compliance
- To evaluate changes in compliance with the EBP recommendations following the implementation of strategies
The Mississippi Centre for Evidence-Based Practice: A JBI Centre of Excellence and US Cochrane Affiliate leads the JBI-EITP training annually. Current trainers for the program are Drs. Robin Christian, Michelle Palokas, Karen Winters, and Candon Garbo. DNP students began attending this course in 2021. Program participants are supported by DNP faculty and centre staff as they develop, complete, and report on their evidence implementation project.

In addition to improving patient and health care outcomes, of the 12 students in the 2021 cohort, seven students have published project reports in the JBI Evidence Implementation journal, with two more tentatively accepted. Two of these students won top DNP poster awards (Dr. Dorothy Aultman-Abrams and Dr. Laura Lyn Barr) at the 2022 SON Research and Scholarship Day, while Dr. Amy Carroll conducted a podium presentation there on her EITP project.
Currently, 14 DNP students in the 2022 cohort are wrapping up their EITP projects. We look forward to seeing their project presentations at the 2023 SON Research and Scholarship Day. This summer, 27 more students (2023 cohort) will begin their projects.