Staff spotlight

Education Administrator,
PhD in Nursing program
Exceeding expectations – how I describe Sarah Thomas. For the past eight months, Sarah has enriched the PhD Program office with her creativity, kindness, and superior skill. Everyone agrees!
In the next few paragraphs, read Sarah’s story and learn some fun facts! Then, come by to meet her if you have not had the chance to do so. You’ll be glad you did.
How did you get where you are professionally?
In college, I majored in communication with an emphasis in public relations. I loved it but didn’t want to do that as a career. In the spring of my senior year, a friend was applying for a teaching program, that would allow her to begin teaching in the fall. I went along with her to the meetings and decided to do the same. I had some wonderful high school history teachers, earned a minor in history, and hoped to follow in their footsteps. I did. For 11 years in two schools, I taught high school history. I learned so much and can only hope that my students learned from me, too.
The 45-minute commute grew tiresome, and I began to look for work closer to home and my two young children. I browsed the UMMC job page, applied for several positions, and interviewed for a few. One day, Josh Hardy in Talent Acquisition, asked some questions about the education administrator position for the PhD in Nursing program. As we talked, he provided details, and I got a really-good feeling. The interview process confirmed this is where I was meant to be. I’m so thankful for Dr. Stewart taking a chance on a high school teacher for this role.
You started at UMMC last June. Why did you join our team?
From the time I stepped foot in the School of Nursing, it felt right. I interviewed with Dr. Stewart, Rhonda Donald, Nancy Ladd, and two PhD students. An hour flew by so quickly. I met with Dr. Stewart a few days later, and as we talked more in-depth about the position and its responsibilities, I became so excited about the opportunity and hoped I would be offered the job. Sherida Hicks made the onboarding process incredibly easy, and everyone has been so welcoming.
What’s your favorite part of being a member of the SON and UMMC?
I’m so thankful for the amazing faculty, staff, and students who work here. So many people have given me the opportunity to learn new things and be involved in ways that help support others. I love to be a little part of the puzzle.
What committee/s do you currently serve?
I’m part of the PhD Committee and the Hospitality Committee. I also attend the “All Hands” Research and Scholarship meetings regularly.
What do you enjoy most about your position?
Every day is different and brings new ideas, questions, and challenges. I learn something every day, and get the opportunity to work with so many innovative, curious, and thoughtful individuals who I’ve learned so much from.
How would you describe your role and responsibilities?
There is not a short answer! I have the incredible privilege of monitoring a PhD students progression through the program, and that includes managing paperwork, creating schedules, asking and answering questions, working with the SGSHS and SON to ensure policies are being followed, and so much more. I do administrative work for Dr. Stewart.
What has been a challenging aspect of this position?
There is a lot that I don’t know I’m truly appreciate of everyone taking the time to answer my questions and explain processes.
How do you define success?
Have I made today a little better for someone? If the answer is 'yes,' then I feel like it’s been a successful day.
Who inspires you?
The people I work with inspire me daily. They show up, ask questions, answer questions, ask for guidance and help, share encouragement, lend support, demonstrate grace and humility, and they care deeply.
What advice would you give to someone who wants to change career paths?
Do it! Make the change. Give yourself permission to try something new and recognize that change can be very positive. Set a timeline to evaluate the change. Don’t listen to other people’s opinions unless you asked for it.
What’s something about you (a fun fact) that not many people know?
My favorite color is rainbow glitter, followed closely by hot pink.
What’s the last book you read?
“The Banned Bookshop of Maggie Banks” by Shauna Robinson
What is your favorite hobby?
I love to cook! Reading cookbooks, searching for recipes, choosing ingredients, and preparing meals is so fun. Does this count as a hobby? I do love to read.
What’s the next place on your travel bucket list?
My list is endless… but a Disney cruise sounds like a fun family vacation!
Are you currently binge-watching any shows?
I’m watching Gilmore Girls… again.
If you had to eat one meal every day for the rest of your life, what would it be?
I would happily eat a corned beef sandwich on a roll with yellow mustard, potato chips, a crisp dill pickle, and cheesecake every day for the rest of my life as long as it came from the Olde Tyme Deli. Fun fact: my grandparents owned the deli, and when my sister and I would spend the night with my grandparents. We’d get to go to the deli in the morning and my grandpa would make us breakfast, and we’d do some quality control sampling 😉 in the bakery (with the promise we wouldn’t tell our parents)!
What brings you joy?
Small things = big things. The shining sun, the sound of my kids laughing, a new book. Buying a snack or drink for my grocery cashier and bagger. Putting out a cooler of cold water and Gatorade in the warm months for our sanitation workers.
In a relatively short time, Sarah has made lasting impressions on many. The following comments represent some of those individuals.
"Sarah is an absolute joy to work with. She stays one step ahead of us, paving the way for success in our program." [Dr. Angie Duck, PhD faculty member]
"Sarah Thomas has been a wonderful addition to the PhD program here at the SON. Her altruistic and outgoing spirit are appreciated by both students and faculty alike." [Gordon Gartrell, PhD candidate]
"Sarah Thomas genuinely cares for the PhD students and faculty, anticipates needs, and offers valuable insight on how to do our best work. Kind, expert, and encouraging, Sarah creates community that is a favorite feature of our PhD program. She truly makes teaching a joy, offering a refreshing presence on the hard days and serving as a sounding board on the exciting days. We are better because she's a part of our team!" [Dr. Kayla Carr, PhD faculty member]
"Sarah exudes positivity. Kind, sweet spirit. Offers to jump in and help whenever and wherever needed. So polite. I could go on and on." [Rhonda Donald, fellow staff member]
"Sarah's support goes beyond making copies and appointments. She has helped me brainstorm recruitment contacts for my dissertation, listens to my concerns, celebrates with me in every small victory, and even offers me ideas for activities in my classroom from her previous role as a teacher." [Melissa Klamm, PhD student]
"Sarah is always happy and friendly. She always makes me feel welcome; never like I am a burden to her." [Dr. Aubri Hickman, DNP-PhD student]