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Message from Dean Sanford

Published on Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Portrait of Julie Sanford

Dear School of Nursing Family,

Happy Spring! It feels and looks like spring…grass is growing and green, the redbud trees are in full bloom and, yes, pollen is everywhere! Spring at our school is an exciting time as students enjoy spring break and look toward the home stretch of the semester, anticipating the graduation ceremony at its end.

We also have recently sent offers of admission to our Traditional BSN applicants and we are hearing many excited voices as they accept our offer. Our state and nation, and yes, the world, needs nurses. What a great time to be a new nurse starting this fulfilling career!

The school and university are finishing up the design phase of our new SON building and I expect it to go out for bid this summer. I love the architectural concepts represented (i.e. engagement, openness, welcoming, innovation, student-focused etc.) and appreciate the Eley Guild Hardy Architect firm and how hard they are working to make sure our building is perfect for us.

Our tentative date for groundbreaking is November 11. We are planning a celebration at that time in recognition of the 75th anniversary of our School of Nursing. I hope you enjoy your spring and find time for fun with family and friends.

Kind Regards,

sanford signature.png 

Julie T. Sanford, DNS, RN, FAAN, ANEF
Dean and Professor
School of Nursing
University of Mississippi Medical Center

Empowering Nurse Leaders. Transforming Health Care.