MNA Convention/UMMC MASN Chapter: Light the Way

After an in-person hiatus due to COVID, we were able to return in person to the Mississippi Nurses’ Association (MNA) Convention this year! This year’s theme was Nurses Are Hope: Lighting the Way for Patients. The UMMC School of Nursing displayed this concept and theme through faculty attendance, representation as a vendor, session speakers, and poster presenters. Our very own Dr. Carl Mangum, associate professor and director of the psychiatric/mental health nurse practitioner track, serves as the current MNA president. This year’s MNA Convention was well attended by vendors, nursing staff, and faculty.
We see student participation in professional organizations and conferences as an integral part of the SON Mission, “to develop nurse leaders and improve health within and beyond Mississippi through excellence in education, research, practice, and service.” The University of Mississippi SON had the largest attendance of students, with over 180 of our students at the event! Our faculty led by example, as demonstrated by MASN faculty advisors Dr. Tara Price, and Mrs. Jessica Pickens.
Not only were our students present, but they are lighting the way through service and leadership. The UMMC Chapter of MASN sent 21 delegates to the 2022 House of Delegates, three pre-slated candidates for state office, and had another three students run for office from the house floor. Speeches were presented on Day 2 of the House of Delegates and elections followed. We are proud to recognize the following UMMC students as newly installed members of the MASN State Board, President - Matthew Hartzog (Oxford Accelerated BSN), 2nd Vice-President - Anna Claire Williams (Oxford Accelerated BSN), and Director of Communications - Celeste Knighton (Traditional BSN junior).
Sara Kennedy (Traditional BSN senior) served as the UMMC representative to the nominations and elections committee during the house of delegates. Seven of our Traditional BSN students served on the registration committee, publicity committee, and t-shirt table during convention. Addison Avdoyan, Taylor Glascoe, Ansley Hill, Sara Kennedy, Celeste Knighton, Jamie Richter, and Daden Wood racked up 27 hours of service on Day 1 of convention. Thanks to her willingness to serve beyond her agreed hours, Taylor Glascoe (Traditional BSN junior) was awarded the Outstanding Membership Scholarship during the closing ceremony.

The first order of business for the new MASN State Board was to choose the MASN Scholarship winners. Service scholarships were Ellison Freeman (Oxford Accelerated BSN), Carlee McNealy (Oxford Accelerated BSN), and Meagan Smith (Oxford Accelerated BSN). Video scholarships were awarded to Ellison Freeman, Treasure Fisher (Oxford Accelerated BSN), and Mallory Matthews (Oxford Accelerated BSN). The UMMC Chapter of MASN was awarded the Nightingale Scholarship thanks to submissions by Hannah Mitchell (Traditional BSN senior) and Zoie Cain (Oxford Accelerated).
As the UMMC Chapter of MASN has been reignited the past year, new chapter officers for 2022-2023 were elected after their return from state convention. We are excited to welcome your MASN chapter officers, president - Taylor Glascoe, 1st vice-president - Ansley Hill, 2nd vice-president - Kristen Bailey, secretary - Morgan Carley, treasurer - Katelyn Shows, chair of fundraising - Henley Johnson, chair of publicity/social media - Celeste Knighton, and social chair - Mary Claire Whitehead.
We are thankful for our students and our top-notch faculty as they lead the way for our future nurses. May we continue to lead and light the way for our patients.