Message from Dean Sanford
Published on Tuesday, February 9, 2021
Dear School of Nursing Colleagues, Students, Graduates, Family and Friends,
Greetings from the School of Nursing! We are happy to restart the publication of our monthly newsletter post-COVID (if there is such a thing) and hope that you find it informative and helpful. Our summer has been a busy one as we welcomed the new class of Traditional BSN students and celebrated the pinning and graduation of the Oxford Accelerated BSN students. We are proud of the accomplishments of our graduates in both undergraduate and graduate programs who have completed their studies. Institutions across the state need our graduating nurses. We look forward to hearing of future successes.
We recently developed a new vision statement: Empowering Nurse Leaders. Transforming Health Care. I can think of no better vision for us to have as a school. Our graduates are nurse leaders, transforming health care in Mississippi and beyond. We often hear of the impact our graduates have and appreciate the commitment to excellence they display. In the current environment, we need nurse leaders! Nurse leaders who step up when others step out. Nurse leaders who advocate for their patients and promote patient centered care. Nurse leaders who conduct research and develop new knowledge in the discipline of nursing. Nurse leaders who translate the best evidence into practice, improving and transforming care, leading others to higher levels of excellence.
I remain humbled to be your dean of nursing and wish only the best as you get ready for the fall, whether you are in practice, research or academic settings or are enjoying a well-earned retirement. Please enjoy our newsletter and read about the outstanding work of the School of Nursing at UMMC.
Julie Sanford, DNS, RN, FAAN
Dean and Professor
School of Nursing
University of Mississippi Medical Center