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Student and Alumni Accolades

Published on Friday, October 16, 2020

The SON has some impressive students and alumni who continue to demonstrate their excellence in the classroom and beyond. Here are some updates showcasing just a few.

Students initiated into Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society

Phi Kappa Phi logoFourteen students from the SON were inducted into the Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society at the Medical Center. Congratulations to Ashley Lauren Breeland, Makenzie Currie Byrd, Libby Dove Carruth, Abbie Kate Frazier, Caleb Douglas Harrison, Martha Haley Litchliter, Kathleen Nichole Meier, Jimmeshel Marsha Richardson, Lyndsey Lorraine Risinger, Tiffany Carol Runnels, Ivey Burt Shelton, Jasmine Janay Stasher, Mollie Keys Woods and Cydney Paige Webber. In lieu of an in-person initiation ceremony, these new initiates are being honored on the UMMC Phi Kappa Phi website. The newly established website features a listing of the 2020-21 initiates, as well as a slide show of the student’s photo and school affiliation.

DNP Student serves as liaison to AACN

Amy CarrollDNP Student Amy Lowery was selected to represent the SON and serve as a Graduate Nursing Student Academy (GNSA) liaison for the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN). Through her involvement with the graduate curriculum committee, she learned about how the GNSA provides services, programs and resources to graduate nursing students. The part-time faculty member was encouraged to consider applying for the liaison position in hopes of becoming a connection for SON graduate students to the GNSA network.

"I was really impressed with GNSA community as a whole," said Lowery. "It is comprised of a very diverse group of graduate nursing students from across the country. There is a lot of great work being conducted by graduate students. I feel that being a part of this group will help to shine a spotlight on our UMMC SON graduate students’ hard work at a national level!"

Lowery will serve for at least two years as a voice for UMMC SON graduate students and to introduce them to the GNSA. She will attend meetings, submit semester summaries and complete three pre-assigned GNSA activities.

"I hope that by being the GNSA liaison, I can continue to develop my leadership skills as both a clinician and as an educator," said Lowery. "I have a passion for injury prevention and I do hope that through the GNSA Advocacy Group, I can continue to push for additional injury prevention education and funding for our state. I am excited to see what opportunities are out there for our school and graduate students!"

Sigma Jackson Accelerated BSN Class of 2020

Theta Beta chapter inducts 19 Jackson Accelerated BSN Class of 2020 graduates in the Sigma Nursing Honor Society. Congratulations to all of the inductees that were honored during the Jackson Accelerated BSN Pinning Ceremony!


Brumfield to present at STD Conference

Jennifer BrumfieldPhD student and ABSN graduate, Jennifer Brumfield delivered an oral presentation at the national STD Engage virtual conference earlier this month. The presentation was "Adapting STD Care: Best Practices for Express Services" and talked about her experiences in her nurse-run clinic that meets the needs for people at risk for STIs.

DNP graduates receive AANP State Award for Excellence

Dr. Robert WareDr. Tearsanee DavisCongratulations to DNP graduates Dr. Tearsanee C. Davis and Dr. Robert Ware for being selected as recipients of the 2021 American Association of Nurse Practitioners State Award for Excellence! Dr. Davis was selected for the NP State Award for Excellence and Dr. Ware won the Advocate State Award for Excellence. The NP State Award for Excellence is given to an individual NP in each state who has demonstrated excellence in clinical practice. The Advocate State Award for Excellence is given to an individual in each state who has made a significant contribution toward increasing awareness and recognition of NPs.

SON manned Sanderson Farms Championship First Aid Tent

Thank you to all of the faculty, students and hospital nurse volunteers that manned the first aid tent during the PGA Tours' Sanderson Farms Championship in October!

SF First Aid tent 1SF First Aid tent 2SF First Aid tent 4

Williams receives AACN COVID-19 Fund

Mary WilliamsKudos to Traditional BSN senior ambassador Mary Williams for receiving a Foundation for Academic Nursing COVID-19 Student Fund scholarship from the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN). She is one of 107 nursing students that received scholarships nationwide during the pandemic to help complete their degrees. The selection process was extremely competitive with over 5,000 applications. Thank you to the AACN for this opportunity to all nursing students during this time of hybrid learning!

Michelle Clark published in JBI Evidence Synthesis

Michelle ClarkCurrent DNP student Michelle Clark's scoping review protocol was published in the JBI Evidence Synthesis. Her article title, along with her second reviewer Dr. Renee Williams, professor, is titled Pica behaviors in pediatric patients with sickle cell disease: a scoping review protocol. Kudos to you both!

Stephen named CNO for Magee General Hospital

Dr. Jennifer StephenPhD graduate Dr. Jennifer Stephen was named chief nursing officer (CNO) at Magee General Hospital at the end of August. The three-time graduate of the University of Mississippi SON, she most recently served as the Director of Nursing for Children's of Mississippi. Prior to that, she has served multiple leadership positions for the past 20 years at Batson Children's Hospital. Congratulations to Dr. Stephen on your recent promotion and latest degree!

DNP graduate publishes and receives award

Dr. Christy BarrickCongratulations to 2019 DNP graduate Dr. Christy Barrick for her recent publication in JBI's Evidence Synthesis entitled Enteral nutrition for intubated adults in the intensive care unit prior to general anesthesia: A scoping review. Dr. Barrick was also honored by Hinds Community College with the Young Alumnus of the Year award at an honors program earlier this month. We are so proud of you and all of your accomplishments!

Theta Beta Chapter in the Sigma Nightingale Challenge

Sigma International Honor Society of Nursing logoKudos to 2013 BSN graduate Tiffany Lewis, current MSN Nurse Educator track student Melissa McBride and 2019 MSN NED track graduate Jackie Smith for be selected to represent the Theta Beta chapter for the Sigma Nightingale Challenge. The challenge is a year-long program that focuses on developing the next generation of young nurses and midwives to be leaders, practitioners and advocates of health.

Congratulations to our 2020-2021 Student Ambassadors!

Student Ambassadors