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Dr. Kathleen Rhodes
Dr. Kathleen Rhodes, assistant professor of nursing, received the DAISY Faculty Award from the School of Nursing for the 2019-2020 Academic Year.

Rhodes receives DAISY Faculty Award

Congratulations to Assistant Professor Dr. Kathleen Rhodes for being selected out of 13 nominees to be the School of Nursing's DAISY Faculty Award recipient for the 2019-2020. Her unprecedented 15 nominations from the Class of 2020 Jackson Accelerated BSN class can be best summed up in one such nomination that simply read "She [is] just built different."

Her commitment to the students was reiterated in their words about her investing time into their lives to see how they are doing during the pandemic, her encouragement and compassion for them and patient listener to their many questions.

"Dr. Rhodes goes above and beyond to ensure that her students are prepared for their nursing careers ahead of them, said graduate Elizabeth Posey. "Not only that, she comes alongside each student and makes them feel seen and heard. Countless times she has seen me studying on campus and has stopped whatever she was doing to check on me and see if I had any questions about anything. She offers professional encouragement and takes so much time to address individual needs and questions. No one in her class ever gets lost in the numbers and this reflects the way that she approaches nursing."

"She is an advocate for her patients and models for us the nurse we all strive to be. She is passionate about nursing and that further reflects the way she approaches her students and patients. I was fortunate to be with her for one clinical and what I saw was inclusivity, patience, joy, eagerness to teach and learn, and so much more. In my book, Dr. Rhodes should win this award every day. Each day she does something, whether big or small, that sets her kindness apart and reflects how wonderful a nurse she is."

Other faculty members nominated for the DAISY Faculty Award were Dr. Robin Christian, Dr. Kimberly Douglas, Dr. Katherine Hall, Dr. Lisa Haynie, Dr. Neeli Kirkendall, Presly Lowry, Dr. Carl Mangum, Dr. Mary McNair, Dr. Anne Norwood, Jessica Pickens, Tara Price and Dr. Karen Winters. Kudos to all of the other nominees! We thank you all for your commitment and service to our students!

Durfey receives DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nursing Students

DAISY Student Clayton DurfeyCongratulations to Jackson Accelerated BSN Class of 2020 graduate Clayton Durfey who was selected as the DAISY award winner for Extraordinary Nursing Students! He was one of 12 nominated for the class award given to a student that embodies the mission of the DAISY Awards - above-and-beyond care and compassion shown to patients and their families.

His nomination from SICU nurse preceptor Morgan Glidewell read: "Clayton Durfey exemplifies everything that the Daisy Award stands for. [He] has, by far, been the most impressive student nurse that has came through 3 South in the multiple years that I've been here. His attention to detail (with medications, patient assessments, charting accuracy), drive and initiative (he was always observant and attentive to what all nurses had going on so that he could offer help, and see and learn as much as possible during his orientation), quick learning abilities (Clayton became such a great blood draw stick that he was all the nurse's first call when we needed a second hand with blood cultures), and his personable, respectful, intelligent, patient, purposeful, confident, empathetic, and effective communication with all of his patients was truly noteworthy, impressive, and nothing short of excellent."

"Clayton not only helped with all of our patients; he also assisted other nurses with their wound care orders, declining patients, cleaning patients, bedside procedures, transferring patients, de-escalating situations, etc. Clayton quickly became somebody that every nurse on the floor viewed as a teammate, somebody who we could all rely on for any and everything. And overall, he was just an absolute pleasure of a dude to be around for us and all of the patients. Some people are just born with a natural drive and ability to be a caregiver. And Clayton is the absolute epiphany of such caregiver. He is already an outstanding nurse that will achieve many great things. His patients have been, and will continue to be, very lucky to have him overseeing their care. I truly say and mean, with great confidence, that Clayton Durfey is the most deserving of this Daisy Award. There is no better student that exemplifies every quality that the Daisy Award stands for!"

Other Jackson Accelerated BSN Class of 2020 graduates nominated for the DAISY Faculty Award were Morghan Ellis, Jessica Followell, Taylor Greer, Julia Knight, Lindsay Marchant, Susan Mitchell, Teresa Moncrief, Abbey Parks, Kansas Rosamond, Gabrielle Sarullo, and Tybrea Vivians. Kudos to all of the other nominees! We thank you all for your commitment and service to our patients and their families!