Training and Education
What is the CITI website?
What CITI Courses are required for study team members at UMMC?
There are two acceptable courses. Please choose the course that most closely correlates with the type of research being conducted.
Group 1. Biomedical Research Investigators and Key Personnel
Group 2. Social/Behavioral/Humanistic Research Investigators and Key Personnel
How often does CITI training need to be completed?
CITI training expires after three years.
A refresher course is required every three years after the completion of the original course in order to remain in good standing.
Acceptable refresher trainings (match to your original course):
Group 1. REFRESHER Biomedical Research Investigators and Key Personnel
Group 2. REFRESHER Social / Behavioral / Humanistic Research Investigators and Key Personnel
What if I forgot my password?
Contact the IRB administration team to request a ‘forgot password’ email.
- Irene Arguello
IRB Coordinator
What if my name has changed since I originally created my CITI account?
If you go by your middle name, your last name has changed, or you have otherwise changed your name since registering with CITI, please ensure that the original name is included in the submission so that the account may be located by IRB administration.
Example: Jane Doe has changed her last name to Smith after completing CITI training. She is being added to a new study.
Name to be included in personnel addition submission: "Jane Smith (Doe)" or "Jane Smith (Formerly Jane Doe)"
Is it possible to be exempt from CITI training requirements?
No. All who engage in research at UMMC must complete the required CITI course.
Where do I check CITI Training information in Cayuse?
Navigate to the Study Personnel section in Cayuse to see the list of study members. Next to a study member’s email address, click the ‘View’ link to access CITI training information. Contact the Human Research Office if you cannot to see the information in Cayuse – or (601) 815-5016.
How do I register for a CITI course or refresher course?
Reminder: The "Group 1. Biomedical" and "Group 2. Social/Behavioral/Humanistic" courses are acceptable. Please choose the course that most closely correlates with the type of research being conducted.
After sign-in, select the "view courses" button on your homepage.
Scroll down to the bottom of your screen. There is a box titled "Learner tools for University of Mississippi Medical Center." The "add a course" button should be the first link inside this box.
Answer the listed questions as appropriate:
Question 1:
If you have never completed either the Group 1. or Group 2. Course, select option 1 or 2.
If you have already completed the Group 1. or Group 2. Course in the past, select option 3.
Question 2:
Select option 2 or option 3 to complete the appropriate refresher course.
If you have never completed the Group 1. or Group 2. Course, select option 1.

University of Mississippi Medical Center Institutional Review Board
Last edited: 10.04.22