- Administration
- Outreach Programs
- Group on Women in Medicine and Science
Group on Women in Medicine and Science
Executive Board Membership Information
The following positions on the UMMC-GWIMS Executive Board will be open for application:
- President-Elect
- Secretary
- Programming Committee Chair
- Membership Committee Chair
- Awards Committee Chair
- Treasurer
- Trainee Representative
Who may serve on the UMMC-GWIMS executive board?
To be eligible to apply for President, Secretary, Treasurer, Programming Chair, Awards Chair, Mentoring Chair or Membership Chair, the individual must be a woman faculty member at UMMC. To be eligible to apply for a trainee representative position, the individual must be a woman resident, post-doctoral fellow, or student at UMMC.
What are the activities and expectations for those positions?
Expectations for executive board members include:
- Participate in a monthly weekday meeting monthly from 12-1 p.m. to discuss the work and direction of GWIMS
- Participate actively via email
- Identify and provide programming to promote faculty and institutional development
- Identify areas for fostering scholarship and empowering women in academic medicine and science
- Maintain visibility within and outside the UMMC-GWIMS community through participation in various arenas (e.g. participation in workshops/seminars, presenting at group meetings)
- Position-specific duties as needed
- All board positions listed above are for one-year term with possibility for re-election for one additional year (except the President-Elect).
Application process
The UMMC-GWIMS will soon be seeking applications/nominations to fill Executive Board positions. You will be receiving an email when the applications open. You can make sure to be notified by registering yourself as a GWIMS member using the given membership form link. Please complete this form to register for membership and ensure you receive emails about upcoming events.
The UMMC-GWIMS is a chapter of the Association of American Medical College Group on Women in Medicine and Science (AAMC-GWIMS). The AAMC-GWIMS advances the full and successful participation and inclusion of women within academic medicine by addressing gender equity, recruitment and retention, awards and recognition, and career advancement.
If you have any questions, email at gwims@umc.edu.
Please support UMMC GWIMS