Awards and Recognition

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The University of Mississippi Medical Center Group on Women in Medicine and Sciences Chapter Awards Descriptions

The mission of GWIMS is to advance the full and successful participation and inclusion of women faculty and learners (students, residents, post-doctoral fellows) within academic medicine. The local UMMC chapter focuses on the four GWIMS goals of gender equity, recruitment and retention, awards and recognition, and career advancement.

Dr. LouAnn Woodward Award

The purpose of this award is to recognize and honor a faculty member who has achieved significant accomplishments in academic leadership while also demonstrating efforts that align with the GWIMS mission to advance the full and successful participation and inclusion of women faculty and learners (students, residents, post-doctoral fellows) within academic medicine.

An excellent candidate for this award will demonstrate the following:

  • Outstanding performance in the areas of leadership, mentorship, research, education, institutional or community service, and/or other noteworthy areas
  • Accomplishments that have lent themselves to the development, advancement, promotion, and support of women on campus, in the community, and/or in the state
  • Efforts that have enhanced the development of women faculty into positions of greater leadership and involvement, thus supporting the retention of women in academic medicine and science
  • Influence that has improved the educational and professional environment for sustaining women in academic medicine and science
  • Success as a role model for women faculty, non-faculty, and trainees
  • Participation in committees or activities to further develop professional skills
  • Exemplary professionalism
  • An effort to influence or institute a positive cultural change


  • UMMC faculty member at the level of professor in any school.

To self-nominate or to nominate a well-deserving individual, please return the following required information by the application deadline:

  • Nominee's current curriculum vitae
  • Minimum of two letters of recommendation

Mid-Career Faculty Award

The purpose of this award is to recognize a UMMC faculty member in the middle phase of their career who exhibits academic accomplishments in leadership, teaching, mentoring, and/or service while also advancing the mission of GWIMS through efforts to advance the full and successful participation and inclusion of women faculty and learners (students, residents, post-doctoral fellows) within academic medicine.

An excellent candidate for this award will demonstrate the following:

  • Success as a role model for women faculty, non-faculty, and trainees
  • Engagement in leadership roles at the university, regional, and/or national level (i.e. development of clinic work, educational effort, manuscripts, committees, etc.)
  • A steadfast commitment to enhanced collaboration and productive relationships with faculty, non-faculty, and trainees at all levels of the UMMC organization
  • An effort to influence or institute a positive cultural change regarding the careers of women faculty, non-faculty, trainee, and staff members on the UMMC campus
  • Efforts to create a respectful environment for education, patient care, and research through a collaborative systems approach


  • UMMC faculty member at the level of associate professor in any school.

To self-nominate or to nominate a well-deserving individual, please return the following required information by the application deadline:

  • Nominee's current curriculum vitae
  • Minimum of one letter of recommendation 

Early-Career Faculty Award

The purpose of this award is to recognize a UMMC early-career faculty member who has achieved significant academic accomplishments. A strong candidate for this award will demonstrate great potential to significantly impact women, as well as the larger community, as evidenced by previous involvement in and commitment to activities within the institution and/or community and efforts that align with the GWIMS mission to advance the full and successful participation and inclusion of women faculty and learners (students, residents, post-doctoral fellows) within academic medicine.

An excellent candidate for this award will demonstrate the following:

  • Success as a role model for women faculty, non-faculty, and/or trainees
  • Engagement in leadership roles at the university or regional level (i.e. development of clinic work, educational effort, manuscripts, committees, etc.)
  • A steadfast commitment to enhanced collaboration and productive relationships with faculty, non-faculty, and/or trainees
  • An effort to influence or institute a positive cultural change regarding the careers of women faculty, non-faculty, trainee, and staff members on the UMMC campus
  • Efforts to create a respectful environment for education, patient care, and/or research through a collaborative systems approach


  • UMMC faculty member at the level of instructor or assistant professor in any school.

To self-nominate or to nominate a well-deserving individual, please return the following required information by the application deadline:

  • Nominee's current curriculum vitae
  • Minimum of one letter of recommendation

Trainee Award

The purpose of this award is to recognize a UMMC student, resident, or fellow who has achieved significant academic and leadership accomplishments and involvement. Such an individual has great potential to significantly impact women, as well as the larger community, as evidenced by previous involvement in and commitment to activities within the institution and/or community.

An excellent candidate for this award will demonstrate the following:

  • Success as a role model for women trainees
  • Participation in committees or activities to further develop leadership skills
  • Exemplary professionalism
  • An effort to influence or institute a positive cultural change


  • UMMC student (any school), resident, or fellow

To self-nominate or to nominate a well-deserving individual, please return the following required information by the application deadline:

  • Nominee's current curriculum vitae
  • Minimum of one letter of recommendation

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